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Here's what some of our satisfied users have to say about Classifieds. We'd like to hear from you, too! Add your testimonial.

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User Testimonials
I just wanted you to know that my trailer sold in 3 hours. I had 66 hits in 3 hours. What a deal. Thanks so much for your web site. My honor payment has already been made.
Jerry - TX

You guys are great, easy to use, thanks for your support you guys rock!
Chris - MD

Thanks for letting me advertise my tires, they were sold within three days. Amazing Results! Thanks again.

"I am truly pleased with the response and sale of my car! I am putting a check in the mail today! Racingjunk. com is the best experience I have ever had selling a automobile!
Bob -TX

Thank you for all your help, after posting my ad in RacingJunk.Com immediately I started to get emails from all over the West Coast, and it was sold in less than a week. This is a really great place to post your ads. I highly recommend it. Thanks
Bill - NV

I wanted you to know that I posted my trailer for sale on your site. Within one day I had six hits. After three weeks, I had 21 calls and sold the trailer because of you. Thank you so Much!
Matt - OH

Hi Just wanted to tell you how great this site is. I sold 3 items within 5 days and I don't think I would have without this site, due to the interested people that look at it. I also bought my race car trailer off of Racing Junk.com and it was absolutely great. Keep up the great work!!
Steve - MN

.This is "THE SITE"... its awesome ... I read it once a day ... I recommend it to all my friends ... far less B.S. than ebay ... have found things that I didn't think were possible ... keep up the genuine great work.
Ron - N. Ariz

This is a great site! I posted my ad and sold a engine in less than 12 hours and had over 250 hits and numerous phone calls. Thank You RacingJunk for the great site.

Just thought i would let you guy's know what a great site ya"l have! Posted my car ad on Friday, sold it Sunday. This was my first ad,so needless to say we were more than pleased with the overwhelming responds we received. I was more than happy to send my honor payment .We will be using RACINGJUNK.COM from now on! thanks
g lamm

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