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Harbone 02-16-2012 05:02 PM

This is easy, the scammer forum has been hijacked by ghustler. I am tired of it , are you?
Never thought I would post something like this up but its past due. :D

Harbone 02-16-2012 05:06 PM

My apologies in advanced to the Mods, lock the thread if you feel fit.

TheRabbit 02-16-2012 05:13 PM

We've seen plenty of guys come in here with attitudes and not stay long.
The thing a lot of guys don't get is you can dissagree all day long about something, but you don't have to be a smart azz about it / take it personal or get into a pissng match with somebody because they don't agree with you.
Plenty of things we "the clique" don't agree on, but we still get along.
I've also said it before, I visit several other forums and none come close to what we " the regulars" have on this one.

When you really start thinking about what all we've been through over the years it's a lot of history. Some good, some bad and some sad!

olds48 02-16-2012 05:18 PM

He might say some stuff that certain people may disagree with. But it is a free country we live in and he isn't harming anyone. Anyone is welcome to voice their opinion,as long as they are willing to listen to everyone else's as well.

Harbone & ghustler,that is just how i feel about the issue-regardless of the individual in question-do not take my response as a personal response to you. Like I said,I value everyones opinion, some I may disagree with strongly. As long as it's a level playing field than it's all good.

Note: Definitely don't take this personal,and i do not expect anyone to follow suit. I was raised to not do anything in secret. If you believe in it,stand up for it. I have always hated secret ballots. But that is just me.For what it's worth i voted "Stay". Sorry,dont mean to be rude,dang upbringing working on me

TheRabbit 02-16-2012 05:35 PM

I should have added in my post. I don't think he should go away nor do I think he has to agree with everybody, but no need for the personal attacks on others.

Everybody knows I'm way out in left field sometimes and don't always agree with the majority on things, but still get along and have meaningful post to add to a subject.

Harbone 02-16-2012 05:39 PM

Originally Posted by olds48
He might say some stuff that certain people may disagree with. But it is a free country we live in and he isn't harming anyone. Anyone is welcome to voice their opinion,as long as they are willing to listen to everyone else's as well.

Harbone & ghustler,that is just how i feel about the issue-regardless of the individual in question-do not take my response as a personal response to you. Like I said,I value everyones opinion, some I may disagree with strongly. As long as it's a level playing field than it's all good.

Note: Definitely don't take this personal,and i do not expect anyone to follow suit. I was raised to not do anything in secret. If you believe in it,stand up for it. I have always hated secret ballots. But that is just me.For what it's worth i voted "Stay". Sorry,dont mean to be rude,dang upbringing working on me

Nothing secret about this ballot, its all out in the open...

TheYellaBrick 02-16-2012 05:58 PM

I don't have a ball in this particular game, HOWEVER, in past events the main issue was 'CIVILITY', rather, a large LACK of it actually that brought on a rather strong consensus to 'boot them out'. Many folks can have a multitude of opinions on a certain subject, but if they are all CIVIL in the spirited discussion, then ALL can learn something from it.

Scooterz 02-16-2012 08:03 PM

Alright. Fair enough. My vote: Take a HIKE Patsy. You disrupt a great forum. As a man, I see this like firing a bad employee. As a spiritual man, I see you as counter-productive to others who might have an open mind about things like God. You insult good people you don't even know. Then you turn around & say you are "not here to make friends"... you already know everything there is know about cars... so what are you doing here?????? Seriously... I don't think you are humble enough to respect yourself. TAKE A HIKE...

ghustler 02-16-2012 11:15 PM

I see rigsby has learned a new word and is trying to figure out how to use it in a sentence, nice!
Hardbone66, you are a trouble maker, I wouldn't leave here voluntarily and let you have free reign for nothing.
But anytime the the mods want to do me a favor and ban me thats fine because like I said once your competition is gone you all will eat yourselves.
I am flattered you see me as such a ripple in your fairy tale existence on this forum that you create a poll about me!
To the rest of you, if you like following the "mean girls club" and let them speak for you on all issues please vote me off the island and get back in line behind your online bosses they will tell you what to say next.

ajk 02-17-2012 03:23 AM

Looks like a teenagers Facebook page! The need to agree to disagree seems appropriate. If you have a personal attack you want to air out. Do it to their face no MAN does it behind a keyboard..Verbal digs and insults that are posted to attempt and cause someone emotional harm are juvenial and have no place on a forumn. Seems some just cant live without conflict in their lives. Just my 2 cents.

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