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chevguy65 07-05-2007 05:49 PM

Let's start a story
I am doing this on another site and it's fun!

I start out telling a story and each person cuts and pastes the previous and adds to it. Anything you like as long as we keep it relatively clean, remember kids and women see this stuff.

Here goes nothing....

Once upon a time long ago

davis419b 07-05-2007 05:55 PM

Once upon a time long ago there was a guy named Carl

lotsof454sss 07-05-2007 06:03 PM

Once upon a time long ago there was a guy named Carl and he had a pig and a goat

davis419b 07-05-2007 06:09 PM

Once upon a time long ago there was a guy named Carl and he had a pig and a goat. The pigs name was Perry and the goats name was Tom.

chevguy65 07-05-2007 06:38 PM

Once upon a time long ago there was a guy named Carl and he had a pig and a goat. The pigs name was Perry and the goats name was Tom.
Soon they wandered upon an old abandoned farm house.

davis419b 07-05-2007 06:54 PM

Once upon a time long ago there was a guy named Carl and he had a pig and a goat. The pigs name was Perry and the goats name was Tom.
Soon they wandered upon an old abandoned farm house. What do you think ole Carl saw standing there on the front porch?

mytmouz 07-05-2007 09:16 PM

Once upon a time long ago there was a guy named Carl and he had a pig and a goat. The pigs name was Perry and the goats name was Tom.
Soon they wandered upon an old abandoned farm house. What do you think ole Carl saw standing there on the front porch? Spib, eating a pulled pork sandwich.

chevguy65 07-06-2007 04:50 AM

Once upon a time long ago there was a guy named Carl and he had a pig and a goat. The pigs name was Perry and the goats name was Tom.
Soon they wandered upon an old abandoned farm house. What do you think ole Carl saw standing there on the front porch? Spib, eating a pulled pork sandwich.

Carl looked at the pained expression on Perry the pigs face. Perry knew it was his long lost

davis419b 07-06-2007 05:40 AM

Once upon a time long ago there was a guy named Carl and he had a pig and a goat. The pigs name was Perry and the goats name was Tom.
Soon they wandered upon an old abandoned farm house. What do you think ole Carl saw standing there on the front porch? Spib, eating a pulled pork sandwich.

Carl looked at the pained expression on Perry the pigs face. Perry knew it was his long lost master he had ran away from to keep from being his next meal.

lotsof454sss 07-06-2007 07:22 AM

Once upon a time long ago there was a guy named Carl and he had a pig and a goat. The pigs name was Perry and the goats name was Tom.
Soon they wandered upon an old abandoned farm house. What do you think ole Carl saw standing there on the front porch? Spib, eating a pulled pork sandwich.

Carl looked at the pained expression on Perry the pigs face. Perry knew it was his long lost master he had ran away from to keep from being his next meal. So the pig got his best friend the goat to run as fast as he could and butt the master right in the

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